Heirs to Aquitania is based on a megacampaign posted here a while back, and boasts several nice scripted pathways (can be toggled off for sandbox mode) that add some nice flavor to certain countries. Play as Democratic Britain and fight against the royalist government in Canada over control of the Empire, scheme your return to your homelands as an exiled Spain or Netherlands, or take the helm of the big blue blob itself and try to preserve French dominance over Europe in the face of rising nationalism and a scripted rebellion/war of the new coalition.
Napoleon's Legacy assumes that Napoleon won the wars and most of the old European powers are exiled to their colonies. It uses PDM as a base which is unpopular due to the AI struggling with the new goods, but its far from unplayable (people here just have a huge hard-on for HPM, that's all). Unify the disparate Arcadian colonies as Dutch Septimania, reform the HRE as an ascendant Bohemia, or battle for dominance over the Far East as a consolidated Qing, overextended Japan, or successful Taiping.
Divergences of Darkness is probably the most ambitious, it has multiple points of divergence that have produced a world dramatically different from vanilla.